About Brooklyn


Cyprus Research and Innovation Center LTD

Dr. Panayiotis Philimis | info@cyric.eu
Website | www.cyric.eu

CyRIC is a pioneer technology company based in Cyprus and a regional reference point for research, innovation, and entrepreneurship. In 2016 CyRIC has received the EU-BIC label as the Business Innovation Center of Cyprus, certified by the European BIC Network (EBN) which validates the range and quality of innovation services provided to local SMEs, as well as incubation services (technical and business support) provided to start-ups.

Our company provides professional innovation and research and development services to local and international clients specialized in the fields of product design, engineering and prototyping, electronic design, robotics, AI and software development. We have participated in numerous multi-million-euro research and innovation projects with hundreds of publications in journals and conferences.

In addition, we offer complete IoT solutions including sensing, networking and software platforms for Smart Cities and industrial applications.

About Brooklyn